(set: $hp to 10)
(set: $talismans to 10)
(set: $days to 0)
(display: "main")You are on a night hunt with the Lan juniors. You have $talismans talismans remaining and your health is $hp.
[[onward!->start adventure]](set: $hp to 10) (set: $days to $days + 1)
You feel refreshed.
(display: "main")A monster appears! (set: $monster_hp to 3)
[[flee->main]](if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[
The monster bites you!
(set: $hp to $hp - (either: 1,2,3))
(if: $hp < 1)[ Your wounds are lethal and you are [[dying->dead]]! ]
(else:)[ Your health is $hp.
[[flee|main]] ]
(else:)[ You hit the monster!
(set:$monster_hp = $monster_hp - 1)
(if: $monster_hp < 1)[ The [[monster is dead]]! ]
Its health is $monster_hp.
[[flee|main]] ]
]You died. [[restart?|init]](set: $streak to $streak + 1)
(set: $drop to (random: 3,10) * $streak)
(set: $spoils to $spoils + $drop)
You collect $drop coins from the monster carcass! You have $spoils coins and your health is $hp. You've killed $streak monster(if: not($streak is 1))[s] on this adventure.
[[go home|collect spoils]](set: $spoils to 0) (set: $streak to 0)
(display: "adventure")(set: $coins to $coins + $spoils)
(display: "main"){ (set: $leftpassage to false)
(set: $rightpassage to false)
(set: $middlepassage to false)
(set: $light to false) }
(display: "tomb")You are Wei Ying.
The last thing you remember, you were on a night hunt with Lan Zhan, exploring an ancient tomb north of Qishan.
It led deep into the earth, its passages twisting and meandering until you lost your sense of direction.
You aren't sure if you and Lan Zhan got separated before you felt the sharp pain in the back of your neck—all you remember is an overwhelming sense of dread right before it happened, and then everything went black.
Everything is still black—you can't even see your own hand in front of your face. That same dread lingers at the back of your mind.
`*` [[Call for Lan Zhan->Call Out1]]
`*` [[Activate a light talisman]]
*ver. 0.2.2(if: $light is true)["Lan Zhan!"
Your voice echoes off the stone walls, but there's no response.
`*` [[Stay put->stayput]]
`*` [[Go to the left->leftpassage]]
`*` [[Go to the right->rightpassage]]
`*` [[Go down the middle->middlepassage]]
(else:)["Lan Zhan? Are you there?"
Your voice echoes off the walls, but there's no response.
It's too dark to see where you are.
`*` [[Activate a light talisman]]
`*` [[Feel your way in the dark]]
(set: $callout1 to true){ (set: $light to true) }
You pull a talisman from your sleeve and imbue into it a small portion of energy. It flares to life, revealing that you are in an empty stone chamber with three passages leading into the darkness.
{(if:(history:) contains "Call Out1")[
<br>There's no way to know which way Lan Zhan went. Might as well pick one and hope for the best.<br><br>
`*` [[Try the left passage->leftpassage]]<br><br>
`*` [[Try the right passage->rightpassage]]<br><br>
`*` [[Try the middle passage->middlepassage]]
] }
(else:)[You're alone, and you're not sure which way Lan Zhan went.
`*` [[Call out for him->Call Out1]]
`*` [[Try the left passage->leftpassage]]
`*` [[Try the right passage->rightpassage]]
`*` [[Try the middle passage->middlepassage]] ] {(if: (history:) contains "leftlightactivate")[After bolstering your courage, you try again.]}
You trail your fingers along the wall as you walk down the left-most passage. (if: $light is true)[The talisman lights your way, hovering conveniently next to your head.]
It isn't long before it leads into an antechamber containing half a dozen coffins recessed into the walls, two to a side. Although it wasn't apparent at first, you get the creeping feeling that something isn't right.
`*` [[Investigate->investigateleft]]
`*` [[Go back->Main Chamber]]
{ (set: $leftpassage to true) }
{{(if: $middlecomplete is true)[note: add something about a strange array that you can't get past until you go down the middle passage]}
{ (set: $rightpassage to true) }}
It's a dead end.
`*` [[Go back->Main Chamber]]{{(if: $middlecomplete is true)[On your way down the center passage,(if: $leftpassage is false and $rightpassage is false)[ your path conveniently illuminated by your light talisman,] ]}
{ (set: $middlepassage to true) }}
It's a dead end.
[[Go back->Main Chamber]] You feel your way along the tomb wall, fingers brushing over rough-hewn stone. The room is square, and you come to a corner that leads down what appears to be a hallway.
`*` [[Keep going in the dark->leftpassagedark]]
`*` [[Activate a light talisman]] You return to the chamber(if: $scared1 is true)[, feeling a little spooked].
{(if: $leftpassage is true and $middlepassage is true and $rightpassage is true)[<br>Or at least, you think it's the same chamber.<br><br>
There's a note on the floor. <br><br>
`*` [[Read note]] ]}
(else:)[ Where to next?
`*` [[To the left->leftpassage]]
`*` [[To the right->rightpassage]]
`*` [[Down the middle->middlepassage]] ]Hey there!
This interactive adventure is made using (link: "Twine")[(goto-url: 'https://twinery.org')]. It is currently a work in progress. All major releases/updates will be listed (link: "here")[(goto-url: '/index.html')].
If you have any questions or comments about the story, bugs to report, or ideas for future choose-your-own adventures (CYOA) you'd like to see from me, please don't hesitate to DM me on Twitter!
Thank you so much for playing my demo. :)
See you around,
[[Start Again->init2]]
(link: "My Carrd")[(goto-url: 'https://sugarmilktea.carrd.co')]
(link: "My Twitter")[(goto-url: 'https://www.twitter.com/weiwuxiansnose')]You continue down the passageway in the dark, your sense of dread heightening as you go. It might be better this way, though. Some things that play in the dark don't take kindly to the light.
There's a noise somewhere in the distance, like metal scraping on stone. It sounds like it's getting closer.
`*` [[Okay, maybe activate a light talisman anyway->leftlightactivate]]
`*` [[Stay very, very still->swordscrape]]The moment you light your talisman, the scraping noise ceases.
`*` [[Investigate->investleftlight]]
`*` [[Go back the way you came->Main Chamber]]
The scraping grows closer, and with it, a huge aura of resentful energy—stronger than you can handle without the aid of Chenqing.
`*` [[Flee->flee1]]
`*` [[Hold your ground]]
`*` [[Activate a light talisman->lightleft2]]You notice scrape marks on the floor leading further into the chamber.
`*` [[Follow them]]
`*` [[Never mind->leftpassage]] {(set: $investleftlight to true)}
You continue down the passageway, and it isn't long before it leads into a larger chamber containing half a dozen coffins recessed in to the walls, two to a side. That creeping dread you felt earlier heightens as you enter the room.
Still jumpy from the scraping noises, you're on high alert and immediately notice scrape marks leading further into the chamber.
`*` [[Follow them]]
`*` [[On second thought, I'm out->scared1]]The passage is warded and you can't get past!
(under construction)
`*` [[Go back to the main chamber->Main Chamber]]You turn to run, but your limbs become unresponsive. Although it's too dark to see, you sense the darkness growing even thicker as resentful energy surrounds you.
You collapse to the floor.
`*` [[Call for Lan Zhan again->Call Out2]]
`*` [[Close your eyes and accept your fate->leftfail]]You decide to hold your ground.
You also get the sense that if you tried to run, you wouldn't be able to.
`*` [[Accept your fate->leftfail]]{(set: $callout2 to true)}
At this point, it doesn't matter if this thing hears you. You open your mouth to scream Lan Zhan's name, and immediately wish you hadn't.
Acrid smoke fills your mouth. Dread yawns like a pit in your stomach; the void calls to you.
`*` [[Accept your fate->leftfail]]{ (if: $callout2 is false)[Dread yawns like a pit in your stomach; the void calls to you. Your unmoving body is overwhelmed by dark energy. An acrid taste fills your mouth.] }
Everything goes black.
You die.
`*` [[Restart?->init2]]Trembling, you activate a light talisman, and immediately wish you hadn't. The creature that stands over you is the most horrific thing you have ever seen, and you are the Yiling Laozu. You tamed the Burial Mounds for a whole year before they consumed you.
Perhaps it is fitting that you meet your second end this way. You can't move. You can't even scream, even if you try.
Dread yawns like a pit in your stomach; the void calls to you. Your unmoving body is overwhelmed by dark energy. An acrid taste fills your mouth.
`*` [[Everything goes black]]You die.
`*` [[Restart?->init2]]You decide to stay put and twiddle your thumbs. You're not sure if you're there for seconds, minutes, or hours, but nothing happens.
Might as well get moving.
`*` [[Go to the left->leftpassage]]
`*` [[Go to the right->rightpassage]]
`*` [[Go down the middle->middlepassage]](set: $scared1 to true)
(display: "Main Chamber")
You are Wei Ying.
The last thing you remember, you were on a night hunt with Lan Zhan, exploring an ancient tomb north of Qishan.
It led deep into the earth, its passages twisting and meandering until you lost your sense of direction.
You aren't sure if you and Lan Zhan got separated before you felt the sharp pain in the back of your neck—all you remember is an overwhelming sense of dread right before it happened, and then everything went black.
Everything is still black—you can't even see your own hand in front of your face. That same dread lingers at the back of your mind.
* Call for Lan Zhan
* Activate a light talisman
*ver. 0.2.2