(set: $hp to 10)
(set: $talismans to 10)
(set: $days to 0)
(display: "main")You are on a night hunt with the Lan juniors. You have $talismans talismans remaining and your health is $hp.
[[onward!->start adventure]](set: $hp to 10) (set: $days to $days + 1)
You feel refreshed.
(display: "main")A monster appears! (set: $monster_hp to 3)
[[flee->main]](if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[
The monster bites you!
(set: $hp to $hp - (either: 1,2,3))
(if: $hp < 1)[ Your wounds are lethal and you are [[dying->dead]]! ]
(else:)[ Your health is $hp.
[[flee|main]] ]
(else:)[ You hit the monster!
(set:$monster_hp = $monster_hp - 1)
(if: $monster_hp < 1)[ The [[monster is dead]]! ]
Its health is $monster_hp.
[[flee|main]] ]
]You died. [[restart?|init]](set: $streak to $streak + 1)
(set: $drop to (random: 3,10) * $streak)
(set: $spoils to $spoils + $drop)
You collect $drop coins from the monster carcass! You have $spoils coins and your health is $hp. You've killed $streak monster(if: not($streak is 1))[s] on this adventure.
[[go home|collect spoils]](set: $spoils to 0) (set: $streak to 0)
(display: "adventure")(set: $coins to $coins + $spoils)
(display: "main")(display: "tomb"){ (set: $leftpassage to true)
(set: $rightpassage to true)
(set: $middlepassage to true) }
The last thing you remember, you were on a night hunt with Lan Zhan, exploring an ancient tomb. It led deep into the earth, its passages twisting and meandering until you lost your sense of direction.
You remember feeling an overwhelming sense of dread before there was a sharp pain, and everything went dark.
Even now, you can't tell if it's night or day outside. You can't see your hand in front of your face.
[[Call for Lan Zhan->Call Out1]]
[[Activate a light talisman]](if: (history:) contains "Activate a light talisman")[(text:)`"Lan Zhan!"` you call. Your voice echoes off the stone walls, but there's no response, and no way to tell which passage he took.
Might as well try one and see where it goes.
[[Go to the left->leftpassage]]
[[Go to the right->rightpassage]]
[[Go down the middle->middlepassage]]
(else:)[(text:)`"Lan Zhan? Are you there?"` you call. Your voice echoes off the walls, but there's no response.
It's too dark to see where you are.
[[Activate a light talisman]]
[[Feel your way in the dark]]
]You pull a talisman from your sleeve and imbue into it a small portion of energy. It flares to life, revealing a stone chamber with three passages.
(if:(history:) contains "Call Out1")[There's no way to know which way Lan Zhan went. Might as well pick one and hope for the best.]
(else:)[You're alone, and you're not sure which way Lan Zhan could have gone.
[[Call out for him->Call Out1]] ]
[[Try the left passage->leftpassage]]
[[Try the right passage->rightpassage]]
[[Try the middle passage->middlepassage]] { (set: $leftpassage to false) }
It's a dead end.
[[Go back->Main Chamber]] { (set: $rightpassage to false) }
It's a dead end.
[[Go back->Main Chamber]]{ (set: $middlepassage to false) }
It's a dead end.
[[Go back->Main Chamber]] You feel your way along the tomb wall before you figure that you might as well see where you're going.
(if: (history:) contains "Call Out1")[
[[Activate a light talisman]]
(else:)[How did you get here?]You return to the chamber.
(if: $leftpassage is false and $middlepassage is false and $rightpassage is false)[Or at least, you think it's the same chamber.
There's a note on the floor.
[[Read note]] ]
(else:)[ [[To the left->leftpassage]]
[[To the right->rightpassage]]
[[Down the middle->middlepassage]] ]This choose your own adventure story is a work in progress by SugarMilkTea made using Twine (twinery.org).
Thanks for checking it out!
[[Start Again->tomb]]
(link: "My Carrd")[(goto-url: 'https://sugarmilktea.carrd.co')]
(link: "Find me on Twitter")[(goto-url: 'https://www.twitter.com/weiwuxiansnose')]